
风暴中的仰望 Look Up in the Storm

愿你和家人在神的手中,如一叶轻舟。 愿孩子在神的手中,如一朵花。

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dasia’s Inspiring Story - Almost 7 Years Now

Dasia was diagnosed with DIGP on Mar. 23, 2005, @ the age of 7. She had an immediate surgery to release fluids trapped in the brain by the tumor.  “...During that hospital stay our doctors told us all the details of the tumor, that there is very little they can do and that there was only a 6-12 month life span on Dasia's life”. After Dasia had completed her six weeks of radiation and was still on her chemotherapy called ZD1839(Iressa), her first MRI after the radioation (June 7, 2005 ) showed her tumor shrunk to the point that it was very hard to find, or as the doctors labeled it as "a significant decrease".
The journal was started on March 16, 2007, two years after the diagnosis. “...Dasia is going into her 3rd year of treatment on the same chemo (Iressa) and she has had no sideffects and is doing great.”... Jan. 30, 2008 “I just spoke with the doctors and there advice is to take Dasia off all medications. Dasia was off chemo!"... Last update on Jan.30, 2012  “Dasia's scans came back clear, with no new changes!!!! Praise God”. Dasia is currently doing great with her normal school life.

Read Dasia’s Journal at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/dasiaatkinson/journal.